As the saying goes, you don’t always appeciate something until you lose it. So very true! Throughout my illness (pneumonia) I sorely missed running. So now that I’m on my “Journey Back,” I have a new perspective about the sport I love. Often, when you’ve taken a period away from running for whatever reasons, the road back is a rough one. For me, it has been hard but not at all sufferable. I am so happy to be running again…..
Perspective is an amazing thing. It keeps us real. It keeps us humble. It helps us to focus on what’s important.
I think having some way to self-check your perspective on life is very important and doing it routinely is even more important. Not once a year as a resolution. I’m saying weekly at least. Think about the level of “busyness” in your life. Caring for your family and the related chores, your fitness schedule, your nutrition plan for…..
…the tough get going!! Such a common phrase, is it true? When life gets hard or the training run is kicking your butt, do you keep going or do you give in to those desires to quit? I’ve found that the key to NOT quitting when times are hard is to plan ahead.
Think about the tough obstacles that can pop up and decide that you WILL overcome them. I find this to be true in life, whether it’s…..
Six weeks until race day, until I run the Prairie Fire Marathon! At this point, the long runs are getting VERY LONG. As the saying goes, “It’s getting real!” I love this part of the training because it is both physically and mentally taxing. I love this part because the goal is in sight! I love this part because I will have to dig deep, really focus on the 360. Read more
We live in a fast paced, immediate gratification culture. Microwavable food, drive through windows for just about everything, get rich quick plans, too many examples to cite! For the topic of Success, the list grows exponentially. The truth is that there is no easy or quick way to achieve Success.
Sure, we’ve all heard about the 21 year old who made millions designing a great app or the talented teen who made it big on American Idol. But even with…..
On Oct 12th I ran the Chicago Marathon, with ~50k runners! ...