We live in a fast paced, immediate gratification culture. Microwavable food, drive through windows for just about everything, get rich quick plans, too many examples to cite! For the topic of Success, the list grows exponentially. The truth is that there is no easy or quick way to achieve Success.
Sure, we’ve all heard about the 21 year old who made millions designing a great app or the talented teen who made it big on American Idol. But even with the seemingly “over night” success stories, there is usually a trait of perseverance at work. No matter what got in their way, they continued to plug along; they continued to pursue their dream.
Success in and of itself is subjective. How you define success is certainly different than how I define it or just about anyone else you may ask. So for this moment, we’ll leave the definition of Success up to you; just visualize what that is as we move forward.
Whether it’s running your first marathon, getting that great promotion, landing that awesome job, or losing weight…no matter what your goal is you must first visualize what success means relative to that goal. That’s step 1. It is very important that you identify what exactly success will look like. Step 2 is to post that goal and what success looks like somewhere where you’ll see it every day. This keeps you honest; a constant reminder of what you have set out to achieve. For example, when I set out to run my first marathon, I posted the marathon map on the mirror in my bathroom with the finish line highlighted. Every morning as I brushed my teeth, I looked at that map and visualized myself running across that finish line. Step 3 is being willing to work hard and to relentlessly pursue that goal no matter what. Even if your best friend tells you that you’re an idiot. Even if your spouse or family members doubt you. Work hard and understand that mistakes are part of moving forward and as long as you are moving forward, you are getting closer to your goal and Success! Understand that failure is just a learning step toward that goal. Commit to stay in the game…quitting/giving up is not a path to Success.
Step 4, give yourself time. Be patient. This is at the core of perseverance. Just because we are used to immediate gratification in many aspects of our lives doesn’t mean that LIFE actually works that way. Savor the journey. The best achievements are those that are hard earned. Be relentless and let nothing discourage you; especially yourself! Which takes us to Step 5….believe in yourself! Practice positive self-talk. Choose to have a great attitude. Remember always that God made us all in His image; we are wonderfully unique. In the moments when you feel down, reflect on your journey and the positive things that you have experienced. These are gems to draw on when you are being challenged the most. Another helpful way to stay on track is to recruit an accountability buddy. This can be someone who shares the same goal or someone who is a die-hard supporter and will always be there for you.
Step 6, repeat 1-5 as needed until you make that Success visualization a reality. Notice that perseverance is not complicated. It’s not glitzy or some new, radical concept. It is also not easy and how long it takes for you to achieve your goal and enjoy success depends on many factors. And there are MANY keys to success; perseverance is one of them and potentially one of the most important. As you progress through your journey you may end up modifying your goal as you become more educated/experienced. You may discover that what you thought you wanted isn’t what you wanted at all! Just go back to Step 1 and reset.
If you pick a great goal/dream to achieve and you commit to work hard and persevere, you will greatly improve your chances for turning that success vision into success reality!
2013 was a great year and I am looking forward to an...
We live in a fast paced, immediate gratification culture....