After my first marathon, I was absolutely thrilled with finishing it regardless of the time. It was a huge deal! I discovered from that first marathon that I like running endurance races and I rediscovered my love for writing. So that first marathon launched more races, more races supporting LLS, and publishing my first book.
After my second marathon I…..
If you know any runners, then you’ve probably heard them talk about their “running mantra.” They may even have more than one. It is basically a short motivational statement that you say to yourself to get through a really tough part of the run or race. It helps to overcome both physical and mental barriers. The human spirit is an amazing thing. We repsond to positive affirmations, no matter where they come from. So why not come from you?
Holy Inferno Batman, it’s freakin’ hot out here! That is what went through my mind, among many other hilarious and some not printable thoughts, as I battled the heat & humidity to get my 20 mile training run in this weekend.
There is a psychological phenomenon that is called the “fight or flight” instinct. It is a term to describe how we react when we are confronted with personal danger. We often think of this in terms of being attacked…..
Think of the best relationship you have; the one where you love someone deeply, unconditionally, and forever. That’s real love. We use the term “love” a bit loosely in the way we talk today. We love an outfit, we love a movie or TV show, we love a meal, we love a particular car, vacation trip, you name it and someone has probably said that they love it. But that’s not the real use of the word, love. The real…..
This week marks the beginning of my marathon training! It also kicks off the fund raising for my goal: raise $3,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). For the 3rd year in a row, I am running with Team in Training (TNT) to successfully complete the KC Marathon on Oct 19th, and in the process, raise funds to support much needed research as well as provide aid to patients and families. All of the money stays in the local…..
I think most people are a bit self-conscious about how they look in photos. It’s probably fair to say that most people err on the side of being overly crtical when assessing their own photogenic quality. I’ll admit that I fall in that category. Over the years though, I’ve become far less negative about my photos than I once was. Time has a way of sending a message….”Sweetie, you are short and you will always be short, so stop being shocked when you…..
My ‘running season’ began on April 13th with the Rock the Parkway half-marathon. It was a great weekend and I ran the race well, surpassing my expectations and setting a new PR, besting my previous PR by 6 minutes! It was an awesome way to begin my race schedule, which includes several half-marathons leading up to the KC Marathon, 26.2 miles in October. I was so excited to share my news with my sis-in-law, Ginny, who would be running Boston…..
There are so many reasons why I run. Too many to list! Two of the major ones though, is to stay connected with living a healthy lifestyle. Running forces me to be more aware of what I’m eating because it’s fuel for my body and I can really feel it on a run when I’ve been eating junk. Second, running relieves the stress that builds up in my body from the pressures of work. It allows me to tackle each day…..
It seems that I can never learn this lesson enough — appreciate what you have! God reminds us, “this is the day the Lord hath made, rejoice and be glad in it!” Yet, it is so easy to get caught up in the chaotic pace of life, the drama that can happen, the small things that seem big at the time.
Appreciate what you have. I was struck by this lesson yet again as I’ve battled a terrible case of…..
I just signed up for my last half-marathon for 2012, on Dec 29th. I tossed around the thought of running one more race before I finally hit the ‘register’ button on the website. At first, I thought of several reasons why this would not be a good idea. First, who knows how cold it will be by Dec 29th? With our weird weather lately, it could be a balmy 45 degrees or 17 degrees! When it gets cold enough for your…..
2013 was a great year and I am looking forward to an...
We live in a fast paced, immediate gratification culture....