Now that I’m finally past my hamstring injury and getting back into my running we end up with Polar Vortex 2 and now snow. Sigh. Six inches of snow would normally mean retreating to the treadmill but thanks to Hubby, the new snow gave me an opportunity to try my “screw shoes.” A runner friend suggested that I try them so that I could run through the winter outside. As I not-so-patiently trudged through 4 weeks of RICE to heal up my hamstring, I used the time to study up on running nutrition and download the You Tube instructions for “screw shoes.” Hubby was happy to oblige and did a great job. He expertly affixed 12 1/2″ sheet metal screws to the bottom of my running shoes. I chose a high mileage pair that would have been retired. The screws do not protrude through the sole at all and the exposed heads on the tread provide just the traction needed to run on snow/ice.
6.13 miles today with my new “screw shoes!” Even on a hilly route, the shoes worked great and I didn’t slip at all. Running on rural country roads means not waiting for the snow plow so I definitely slowed my pace down but it was such a great feeling to be outside rather than on a treadmill. In some spots my feet sunk into the snow a bit, which felt kind of like running on the beach (without the warm temps and sunscreen). So the hills plus the snow provided a great workout. Despite the 22 degree weather, 12 with windchill, I stayed surprising warm. I wore 2 pairs of tights, 2 pairs of socks, and then the normal cold weather running gear.
On the way back I finally encountered the snow plow. The driver stopped as I ran by. He waved and looked at me shaking his head. The look on his face expressed his thoughts, “You’re crazy!” I smiled and waved back. As I continued down the road, loving my new “screw shoes,” I laughed to myself. Yep, I am crazy. Crazy focused. Crazy dedicated. Maybe crazy stubborn too. Running long gives me time to think, time to pray, time to admire the outdoors, and time to let go of the stresses in my life. As I laughed about the snow plow driver, I thought about how running as affirmed for me again that you can be successful only when you look at obstacles as opportunities to challenge yourself, opportunities to stretch yourself. Sometimes, opportunities to scare yourself into going after things you thought weren’t possible. Maybe, to be successful, it’s good to be crazy.
And that’s a great transition to share another of my new discoveries — algae. Yep, the green stuff that you don’t like on your pond and the stuff that fish eat. Specifically, organically grown spirullina algae (aren’t you relieved that you don’t have to scoop the stuff off your pond?) I mostly use Hammer Nutrition products but I recently learned about EnergyBits, made from spirullina algae. Taken before exercise, it provides energy, increases stamina and delivers easily digestible protein. I ran today taking the EnergyBits before and after my run. Turns out that they are also great for recovery, reducing inflammation and building muscle. Even though my last two long runs have been relatively short (6 miles) as I get back into my normal regimen, I have noticed a definite increase in my energy level during the runs. I plan to try them again when I run tomorrow. The engineer in me wants to see at least 3 positive events before I consider the results a trend – lol. EnergyBits are the size of a Motrin pill and you take a minimum of 30 at least 15 minutes before exercise.
Important note: SWALLOW the EnergyBits. Don’t eat them. Trust me, you’ll gag at their flavor. I did not read the directions (does anyone?) the first time and threw a handful in my mouth like I would my Hammer protein tabs. Yuck. Hubby cracked up as I ran around the kitchen trying not to gag, grabbing his bottle of water to quickly wash them down. I guess it’s important to read directions after all. Ha!
The folks at EnergyBits tell me that many of their clients are endurance runners and use them for refuel during runs. Not sure if I like that idea, only because they are so small and to try to deal with 30 of them in a baggie during a run seems awkward. I do however, LOVE them for pre and post run fueling. So, I plan to buy some and do a longer trial. The cool thing is that algae is FOOD. Yep, so if you use these EnergyBits, you’re just eating food. Nothing artificial and not some weird drug. Ok, they may just be weird. I’m going to try them at work too. No seriously, I am. I work long hours sometimes and mid afternoon is a tiring time. Better than caffeine with no crashing.
So there you have it. “Screw shoes” and algae. Two things you probably never thought would go with running! Maybe it’s time for you to go a little crazy yourself. Go ahead…you know you want to!
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